Thursday, December 7, 2006

Teaching Christmas' True Meaning...クリスマスの本当の意味

On December 3rd, Deborah and the girls had an opportunity to share about the true meaning of Christmas with a group of Girl Scouts.

Of about 20 6-9 year olds gathered, only 2 had heard of Jesus, and none of them knew that Christmas had anything to do with Him.

The Holy Spirit really helped Deborah as she spoke and gave her the analogy of just as Americans imported Japanese cars because they are "wonderful", the Japanese imported Christmas because the "atmosphere" and "feeling " of the season is so wonderful. But sadly, the true meaning of Christmas got left out. Deborah told them that more than Santa, presents, and decorations, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the Savior of the whole world.

Of course, she explained about the cross at a level that the children could understand too. With Coannie, Erise and our foster child Uzuki along they all had a really fun time.

123日(日)デボラ が友人のGirlScoutグループに日本とアメリカの文化の違いなどについて話に行きました。そうして、その場で、今、日本でも流行っているクリスマスの本当の意味を語る機会がありました。


聖 霊様の導きによって、デボラは「アメリカ人が日本のすばらしい車を輸入したことと同じように、日本人は、クリスマスのすばらしい雰囲気を見て、クリスマス の意味を知らず、クリスマスを輸入した。」と説明しました。クリスマスはサンタさんやプレゼントや飾りの季節だけではなく、イエス・キリストが救い主とし てお生まれになったことを祝う日ですとはっきり語りました。


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