Sunday, February 25, 2007

On Being Pro-Life...命の大切さ

Most of you know we work with a pro-life/adoption agency called "Loving Decisions" here in Japan. We have 2 little "loving decisions" daughters, we continue to do foster care and my wife does phone counseling.

Recently, in a pro-life email, I heard the story of Amillia Taylor. She was born in Florida, last October, at only the 21 first week of gestation . She weighed less than 10 ounces and was only 9 1/2 inches long. At the time of her birth she was given a nearly 0% chance of survival.

But not only did Amillia survive, she was released from the hospital on February 21st. She does still have some health problems, but her parents are extremely happy with there bundle of joy. Just watch this video.

But why is Amillia important enough to write about here?? Let me explain.
Before Amillia was born, 25 weeks gestation was the generally considered the limit of viability for a baby. Approxiamately only 50% of those babies survive. Although a few babies have survived at 23 weeks these were considered anomalies, and experts were certain that a "fetus" was not viable before that...

So 25 weeks gestation has been used as a lower limit in abortion laws. In other words, in every state 25 weeks was the basic place where debates about the legality of abortion could begin.

Now we know the experts were wrong...

Of course in most states, a child's life can be destroyed until the moment the mother's contractions begin. In partial birth abortion, the child is pulled into the birth canal and the spinal cord is severed at the base of the skull. If you think you can stomach the pictures please look here:
If someone did this to an animal they would be thrown in jail.

Sadly enough Amillia is not going to change the minds of those who feel abortion is protected in the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Witness the following quote: "We don't have new treatments," said University of Pennsylvania professor Art Caplan. "There isn't anything to be done differently to try and save 21 week old premature infants. And so I think it would be wrong to just say because this one made it. We ought to treat everyone when we don't have any new treatments."

Maybe Amillia will influence those that are on the fence about this issue. A human baby is... a human...from the point of conception.

Sadly the question is not "just ...because this one made it." should" We ...treat everyone..." . The question is should we be KILLING any of these babies at all.


最近、アミーリア Taylorちゃんの話を聞きました。妊娠21週目に、フロリダ州に生まれました。生まれたとき10オーンス(280gm)9.5インチ(20センチ以下)しかありませんでした。もちろん、生まれたとき、絶対亡くなると先生が言いました。











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