Thursday, May 24, 2007

Power For Living...「パワー・フォ・リビング」

Recently the "Power for Living" book was translated into Japanese. Most of you know it is a very basic, how to have a relationship with God through Jesus, and how to grow in that relationship. It has been advertised on TV, radio and in commuter trains.

Two extremely well known people have endorsed it. One is a Japanese woman who wrote a classic pop song in Japan called "The Outsider". The other is a foreigner who managed the winning team in the Japan National Baseball Series last year.

We have been able to pass out almost 100 of them. Most of our English students at the chapel and my city classes took them. At the Civic Center I explained what they were and left a stack of them on my desk. Several people told me they had seen it on TV and were interested in it. Several others who usually run away when the discussion turns to "God", "Christianity" or even "religion", came and quietly slipped a copy into their bag.

One student, that I have had many conversations about faith, etc with, was reading it at the small restaurant we have in the civic center after class. Another used the opportunity to write about it in her English diary that I check every week. She was telling me why Japanese could NOT believe in Jesus, BUT at least she was thinking about it. (Of course, I wrote my take on the subject when I checked the diary. )

PLEASE pray that “Power For Living” will stir up a harvest across this nation. Many people have heard about Christianity, but have no idea what it really teaches.

Please pray that many who have heard the gospel before, or fallen away, would be stirred by this book. Please pray specifically that those who attended Sunday School or a Christian kindergarten as children would be stirred to believe.

**I started this post more than a month ago. Now there are about 40 or so new English students I have started teaching. Please pray for them as I pass out the Power for Living books to them.









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