Saturday, January 13, 2007

Time Flies....一日は早い~~!

For those of you that have checked this site since the last post I is amazing how fast each day passes by.

First of all, Thank you for your prayers. Cody's Christmas guitar playing went very well. We were blessed to watch him with our good friends, Jeff and Rie Shaffer and their kids. Jeff's camera work saved the day for Mom and Dad who forgot their camera.


Also,our first "Homestay In Japan" went pretty well...we finally realized that the boy who was staying with us really wasn't all that interested in English. It seems that his Mom probably did not tell him the MAIN idea of the time was English study. BUT we learned a A LOT!!
Lastly, we had a weekend retreat with the leaders of Jesus Family It was a good time to get to know them more and talk about the coming year. We covet your prayers as we embark on this new adventure the LORD has lead us to.






Jeffrey D. Shaffer said...

Nice Pictures, Eric. And I'm super glad to see a new post! Keep up the great work! -- God Bless. Jeff

Meagan Brown said...


I'm not sure if you'll remember me. My name is Meagan and I came to your church and your home a few times when I was living in Nara in the summer of 1996 (oh my- 10 years ago!). I had been an exchange student in Osaka 2 years prior to that, and returned for a summer internship. I lived with a family in Nara. I'm originally from Texas.

Anyway, I think about and pray for you guys from time to time and had
no idea if you even were still in Japan. So I did a little Google
search, and there you were! It's great to read a little about what God has been doing in and through your family.

I'd love to hear more details, so email when you get a chance!


Meagan (Schroeder) Brown